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Health & Safety

In this section, health and safety information are provided to help with your preparation before traveling to France. Many traveling experts state that there are some safety risks regardless of destination. Begin using safety strategies you have already established at home and develop those strategies based on France's safety issues. For example, the risk of pickpocketing is high so remain vigilant especially in tourist areas and crowded stations.

When examining safety issues, look at foreign government travel warnings for their own citizens, which may be helpful.

The Center for Global Education has a variety of resources for U.S. students including safety in France. But travelers will find the information useful as well before traveling to France.

Consider carrying an emergency card with health and safety information before departure. This includes important contact numbers and personal information (i.e., names, addresses, phone numbers and personal information). Make sure to leave a copy with a family member and always keep one with you. For more information and emergency resources, see the links below at The Center for Global Education.

Traveling to France during the Olympics and Paralympic Games will be exciting, but if there are some health concerns, the CDC has travel notices and advice.


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