Understanding CultureHidden Dimensions of CultureThe broadest concept about learned knowledge humans use to fulfill their needs is through culture. Culture refers to the collective historical patterns, values, societal arrangements, manners, ideas, and way of life to order society. The visual behaviors and attitudes in others are influenced and motivated by culture. Whether an athlete competes abroad, or a tourist enjoys traveling, entering another “culture” is unavoidable. The observed behaviors and attitudes in others are molded and motivated by cultural learning. Since feelings, judgments, and mental constructs are not always on display, their culture may become evident through their actions and speech. In conclusion, culture has been defined in numerous ways for different reasons. But for our purpose, culture can be most broadly defined as a shared set of values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors held by members of the host nation. A traveler or athlete will need to be aware of these cultural patterns and respond appropriately Taken from Module 1.2,Culture–The Hidden Dimension What's up with Culture by Bruce La Brack ed. 2003 as cited in iStudent101.com – Read about Culture: The Hidden Dimension Feedback We welcome any questions, feedback, or suggestions you may have regarding this website or other resources. Please contact us. |