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Culture Shock Do's & Dont's

Cultural awareness can prevent misunderstandings and although there are limitations to a list of DO’s and DON’T’s, this is a good start to help ease culture shock.

  1. Do be aware and accept that culture shock exists, but this will subside.
  2. Do not be overly critical and negative.
  3. Do plan fun activities to do!
  4. Do not focus bad circumstances.
  5. Do set personal or professional goals.
  6. Do look for the best in your situation.
  7. Do engage and enjoy the diversity of people and cultures.
  8. Do not be so judgmental.
  9. Do keep a journal.
  10. Do not think of yourself as strange or abnormal.
  11. Do not be offended by cultural traits different from the U.S.
  12. Do try to remain active
  13. Do keep a positive attitude.
  14. Remember, culture shock can be a valuable experience giving you insight, tolerance for others, and a broader perspective.

Taken from Kohls, R. (1979) Survival Kit for Overseas Living, chapter 18 Culture Shock: Occupational Hazard of Overseas Living. Intercultural Press, Yarmouth, MN. p. 91-100 as cited in – Read about Culture Shock


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