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Youth Development

The Generation 2024 program is the result of a joint endeavor with the French Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport, the sports movement, the school and university sport federations, and the education community. The program is rallying the education community and students around the momentum that the Games are building, to encourage young people to do more sports day after day. But there's more to it than practicing sports: the program also covers sport and culture, to explore sport's rich and universal history, and the values that sport conveys, such as respect and inclusion.

Taking part in Generation 2024 equates to:

  • Promoting sports and other physical activities, and physical education, from preschool to university, with a special focus on the youngest learners

  • Using sports for educational purposes, in a variety of disciplines, to make learning more enjoyable

  • Presenting Olympic and Paralympic sports, and promoting the values that sport and the Olympic and Paralympic movements stand for

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