| Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2016

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Index of Modules

MODULE ONE: Preliminary Prepartion Before You Leave

The Center for Global Education has developed online content to help students before, during, and after study abroad. Following is suggested content that could help further enhance the international learning and athlete, coach, or spectator experience at the Olympics and Paralympics.

MODULE ONE: Preliminary Prepartion Before You Leave
A. Create Info Log and Plan for Interaction
  1. What We Hope You will Gain from your Olympic experience
  2. Learn about how You may be Interacting with Other Athletes while Competing Abroad
  3. Assumptions vs. Realities Abroad
B. Background About the Olympics and Paralympics
  1. The Olympic Charter and Declarations
  2. Olympic Milestones
    1. Olympic Truce
    2. Olympic Peace
  3. Olympic History and Philosophy
    1. Ancient Olympics
    2. Modern Olympics and Paralympics
    3. Olympic and Paralympic Philosophies
    4. Olympism
  4. Sport and Youth Development
    1. Olympics and Youth Development
    2. UN Efforts in Sports and Youth Development
C. Top Ten Reasons for Internationalising Athletes? Olympic and Paralympic Experiences
  1. Why is Cross Cultural Understanding Important?
  2. More Reasons to Participate in Cross-Cultural Training
  3. Learn About Your Heritage
D. Sort Out Your Expectations
  1. Experiences vs. Expectations
  2. Reflect on How you Feel about Competing Abroad
E. Diversity in Olympic participation
  1. Listen to Why Athletes from All Backgrounds should Participate in cultural training
  2. One Biracial athlete?s Experience with Fitting In Abroad
F. Create a Plan to Fund Your Olympic and Paralympic Experience
  1. Start Saving Now
  2. Don't Rule Out Exploring the Host Country Due to Finances
G. Reflect on Your Feelings about Competing Abroad
  1. It's Natural to Have Concerns
  2. Athletes Discuss Their Expectations
  3. Tips on Preparing Yourself Mentally
H. Top Ten Goals for Olympic and Paralympic Games Highlighting Olympism Concepts
  1. Review a Sample Set of Top Ten Goals Which Highlight Concepts of Olympism
  2. Create Top Ten Goals That Would Integrate Olympism Into Your Experience

MODULE TWO: Logistical Issues 1: Overseas Travel

MODULE TWO: Logistical Issues 1: Overseas Travel
A. Find Housing Before and After the Competition
B. Plan Transportation for Getting to the Olympic Host country (Flight, Train, Boat, etc.)
C. International Insurance
D. Required Documents: How to Obtain a Passport and Visa
E. Money Management
  1. Hear how Athletes Overcame Their Funding Olympic Experience
  2. Get a Perspective on One Athlete’s Plan for Saving for International Exploration
  3. Hear about Banking and other Logistical Issues
F. Communication While Abroad
  1. Importance of Cell Phones

MODULE THREE: Cultural Adjustment Tools and Issues

MODULE THREE: Cultural Adjustment Tools and Issues
A. Learn about Culture
  1. The Importance of Learning about Your Host Country's Culture
  2. Athletes Reflect on Culture
B. Stages of Adjustment
  1. Hear an Athlete Talk About Experience with Adjusting in a New Country
C. Culture Shock
  1. Learn about One Athlete’s Experience with Culture Shock
  2. Hear More Stories about Culture Shock
D. Gender Issues
  1. Gender in Your Home Country vs. Host Country
  2. Gender Issues in Olympic competition
E. Generalizations vs. Stereotypes
  1. Sample Stereotypes
  2. Find Out How Athlete Felt as Americans Abroad
F. Your Communication Style
  1. Message in the Bottle: There is a Simpler Way to Communicate
G. Cultural Differences
  1. Learn About Cultural Differences Around the World
H. Cultural Adaptation Strategies
  1. Hear Why it is Important to Learn about Your Host Country's Culture
I. Bring Your Culture with You

MODULE FOUR: Country Specific Culture

MODULE FOUR: Country Specific Culture
A. Learn about the Country You are Competing in
B. Learn from Others
  1. Talk to Athletes Who have Competed in that Country Previously
  2. Learn about how Cultural Differences can Influence the Overseas Experience
C. Accounts of Culture Shock
D. Nonverbal Communication Abroad
  1. Learn about One Experience with Nonverbal Communication!
  2. Remember Your Actions Speak Louder than Your Words!
E. Politeness and Etiquette
  1. Proper Etiquette Practices Differ from One Country to Another
F. Discrimination Overseas
  1. Learn about Discrimination and Stereotypes You may Encounter
  2. Hear One Athlete’s Concerns about Discrimination in Her Host Country
  3. Hear Another Student
G. Culture Report

MODULE FIVE: Language Learning – General Information

MODULE FIVE: Language Learning – General Information
A. Why You Should Familiarize yourself with the Host Country’s Language
  1. Learn the Importance of Familiarising Yourself with the Language
  2. See the Importance of Learning Another Language
B. Tips on Studying Language
  1. See how Practice and Persistence are Key
C. Resources for Learning
D. English Around the World
E. Other Major Language Groups

MODULE SIX: Target Language Learning – Specific Skills

MODULE SIX: Target Language Learning – Specific Skills
A. Improving Your Listening Skills
B. Read in Your Target Language
C. Practice Your Speaking Skills
  1. Learning at least Some Words in Your Host Country’s Language is a Must!
D. Interacting with the Locals Abroad

MODULE SEVEN: Intro to Global Issues

MODULE SEVEN: Intro to Global Issues
A. Respond to Stereotypes about your Home Country
  1. Learn how One Athlete Has Experienced being Stereotyped
  2. Hear from One Athlete Who Does Not Fit Traditional Stereotypes
B. Home Country Knowledge
  1. See how Practice and Persistence are Key
C. The Influence of Geography
  1. Brazil
D. Globalisation and its Impact
  1. The Importance of Being Global
E. Multinational Organizations

MODULE EIGHT: Learning about Your Host Country

MODULE EIGHT: Learning about Your Host Country
A. Geography
  1. Do Not be Hesitant to Pick Up a Map!
B. Social Facts
  1. Learn the Importance of Knowing the Local Customs
C. Political Facts
D. Economic Facts
E. Sports, Music, and Entertainment
  1. Hear the Importance of Researching Things to See and Do There
F. Examine your Host Country In–Depth
  1. Do Your Homework and Research Your Host Country's History

MODULE NINE: Logistical Issues II: Health and Safety

MODULE NINE: Logistical Issues II: Health and Safety
A. Best Practices for Health and Safety
  1. Safety Tips
B. Your Plan to Stay Healthy Abroad
  1. Special Health Issues
C. Unsafe Activities Abroad
  1. Who Can You Trust? Remember that Even Common Activities can be Unsafe
  2. What Kind of Impression Do You Want to Make?
D. Learn about Road Safety
  1. See what Types of Transportation are Best to Avoid
  2. Cycling Precautions
  3. Hear what One Athlete Wishes He knew before Going Abroad
E. Avoid Crime Abroad
  1. Encountering Crime
F. Avoiding Legal Trouble Abroad
  1. Hear how Home Country Laws do Not Apply Overseas
G. Drug Issues Abroad
H. Alcohol Issues Abroad
  1. Expectations of Alcohol
  2. Consequences of Alcohol
  3. The Buddy System and Your Safety
  4. Appreciating the Culture of Alcohol
  5. Advice on Alcohol
I. Be Prepared for Emergencies

MODULE TEN: Planning for Return Homes

MODULE TEN: Planning for Return Homes
A. Keeping Memories
B. Before Your Return
C. Saying Goodbye
D. Learn from Others
E. How to Deal with Winning or Losing
F. Will you Continue Competing?
G. Are you Going to Work upong Return? If so, Where?
H. How Will You Share Your Olympic Story with Others?
  1. Film? Video? Writing? (


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